Invitation I hope this post helps others find perspective and clarity in a world full of distraction. You don’t have to believe me. I’m just sharing what I’ve experienced in my life so far. I hope you’ll discover whether what’s in here is true by trying it out in your life. Intro Ever wonder why we’re always rushing to become better in some area? “I need to hurry and get a: better job or that promotion or another client or launch that business or a better home or a better car or a better body (which is really saying “I need to be more desirable”) or a better watch or better furniture or newer phone SOON .” To summarize: “I need to make or spend money so that I can get that [thing you buy with money to become better] sooner rather than later .” Why are we in such a rush to be better? Paradigm “The harvest is always richer in another man's field.” – poet Ovid, 18 A.D. Back in the day ...